REGGAE・レゲエ・CD・MIX・DVD 通販 | トレジャーボックスミュージック


種子島、鹿児島を拠点に活動中のONE☆STAR SOUND制作大好評シリーズの第5弾!!!!
前回のvol.4に引き続き "LOVE & UNITY" ミディアム、カルチャー系を中心にMIX.
今でも現場を沸かすBig Hits満載!!!今回は更に横浜レゲエ祭ROAD TO 2014のWINNER、DRIBBLAの未発表曲『Good Day』のダブプレート、そして日本中のレゲエファンなら知っているあの曲のアカペラ等聴き所、満載の鉄板MIX堂々完成!!!!!是非、この機会にお見逃し無く!!!!!

1. Walk Away From Love Bitty McClean
2. The Real Thing Bitty McClean
3.People Choice Ray Darwin
4. Willow Tree Christopher Ellis
5. Altons Medley Romain Virgo
6. I'm Still Love With You Sean Paul ft. Sasha
7. Desperate Lover Marcia Griffiths ft. Gentleman
8. Stir It Up Bob Marley & The Wailers
9. Love So Nice Jr.Kelly
10. Nice It Nice Natural Black
11. Good Old DanceHall Vibes Beres Hommond ft. Big Youth
12. Ain't it Good To Know Beres Hommond
13. Music Is A Part Of Me Kashief Lindo
14. U Got It Bad Anthony Cruz
15. High Grade Tony Cutis
16. Frenzy Sanchez
17. Rockaway Beres Hommond
18. Sweet Life Cocoa Tea
19. Can't Stop Reggae Music Iwan
20. Pon Di Corner So Jah
21. Call on Friend Terry Linen
22. Couldn't Be The Girl For Me Terry Linen
23. That's The Wai It is Terry Linen
24. I Belive T.O.K.
25. Just One Of Those Days Sizzla
26. In Heaven Daville
27. Love We Had Stays On My Mind Sanchez
28.Here Tonight Mikey Spice
29. Closer I Get Anthony Cruz
30. Never Let You Do Natural Black
31. Praise Him Tinga Stewart
32. Good Day DubPlate Dribbla
33. Mi deh Yah Capleton
34. Jah Jah City Capleton
35. Love Jah Cure
36. Family & Friend Luciano
37. Liberation Morgan Heritage
38. Earth Run Red Richie Spice
39. Jah Bless Me Jah Cure

バックナンバーは→ ●ONE☆STAR
